Colorado State University Global Computer Science Programs
Colorado State University Global appears in our ranking of the Top 5 Cheapest Online Database Management Degrees.
Computer science degrees at Colorado State University Global are available as an online Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or an online Master’s Degree in Information Technology Management. Students who do not yet have a bachelor’s degree will choose the undergraduate program, which allows students to choose from several degree specializations, as well as transfer previously earned credits toward the required degree total of 120 credits.
Some of the available degree specializations require completion of 15 credits in the specialized area. Options include artificial intelligence, data management and analysis, project management, cybersecurity, intelligence, and homeland security, and virtualization and cloud computing. Additional specializations are available in organizational leadership, information technology management, digital marketing, and computer programming.
Overall, the degree requires that students complete 63 credits of core courses in computer science, 31 credits in general education, and 15 credits in their specialization. The rest of the required credits are required as electives. Classes required of computer science students include Logic and Design, Operating Systems and Architecture, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence. Students will also take Software Engineering, Platform-Based Development, and Introduction to Networks.
For graduate students who enroll in the Online Master’s Degree in Information Technology Management, the degree requires 24 credits in core degree courses and a further 12 credits in a specialization. Specializations include business intelligence, organizational leadership and change management, strategic digital information marketing, cybersecurity, project management, and strategic innovation and change management. Several more specializations are also offered for graduate students.
Core degree courses required for completion of the graduate degree include Fundamentals of Quantitative Analysis, Managing Virtualized and Cloud Systems, Ethical Considerations in Managing Information Technology, and Information Systems and Security. Students will also take IT Management, Management Enterprise Resources Planning Systems, Information Technology Auditing and Assurance, and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
Students may choose to augment their graduate degree with a certificate in a related area. Options include a Certificate in Cyber Security or a Certificate in Project Management. Career options that may be available to graduates include those as data processing manager, chief information officer, or computing services director.
About Colorado State University Global
Colorado State University Global is an online campus and is part of the Colorado State University System. The school’s headquarters is in Aurora, Colorado, and students may earn undergraduate and graduate degrees from the institution, as well as enroll in a variety of certificate programs. The university caters to adult students who are in established careers, as well as non-traditional students interested in online learning or a career change.
Around 19,000 students attend the university, and the majority of those degrees are offered as degree completion programs. Students are eligible to submit previously earned college credits, as well as life experience, as transfer credits into their program of choice. The university has a mascot named Goldie, the Golden Eagle. All courses are offered on an eight-week schedule, and students also complete a portfolio project as part of their degree.
Colorado State University Global Accreditation Details
Regional accreditation for Colorado State University Global comes from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and the institution was first accredited in 2011 by the commission. The HLC handles independent regional accreditations for the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Regional accreditation is a peer-reviewed and comprehensive process that measures the quality of the university’s operations.
There are some programs that are also accredited on a programmatic basis or by other national organizations. For example, several business programs at CSU Global are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. The Bachelor of Science in Project Management, as well as the Master of Science in Project Management, are accredited by the Project Management Institute Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs.
Colorado State University Global Application Requirements
Standard admission to CSU global means having a high school diploma, as well as two years of work experience. The university also accepts students who are at least 23-years-old or have been out of high school for at least five months and who have a GPA of at least 2.8 from high school. Students who want to transfer from another institution must be in good standing at that institution to qualify for transfer to CSU Global.
Students who are unable to qualify for admission within the university’s standard application requirements may be granted provisional admission if they can submit additional items. Students should submit a 500-word Statement of Purpose, as well as a detailed professional resume. Provisional students must also complete the SmarterMeasure Assessment. For graduate students, the minimum GPA for admission is 3.00 on a 4.00 scale, but provisional admission is available for graduate students, too, who do not meet the minimum.
Tuition and Financial Aid
The cost per credit for students enrolled in undergraduate classes at Colorado State University Global is $350, which means each three-credit course is $1,050. Annual tuition is estimated at $8,400 when students enroll in 24 credits each year. There are no additional fees required for study at the university. The university estimates that students who transfer with 90 credits of previously earned work will pay $10,500 for their degree. Students who transfer with 30 credits will pay $31,500.
For graduate students, the per-credit rate is $500, and each three-credit course is $1,500. Annual tuition is estimated at $9,000 for students who enroll in the normal 18 credits per year. The cost of a standard 36-credit program is $18,000, and the cost for a provisional 39-credit program is $19,500. Students won’t pay for room and board when they attend CSU Global because all classes are offered online, and there is no physical campus.
Students can gain eligibility for financial aid through the federal government’s student loan program when they attend Colorado State University Global. From Federal Pell Grants to Federal Stafford Loans, students may qualify for awards that don’t need to be paid back, as well as loans that will enter a repayment period after the student has left the university.
Loans offered by the university may come in the form of subsidized loans where interest does not accrue while the student is enrolled for classes, as well as unsubsidized loans where interest begins accruing when students receive their loan disbursement. Students must submit a Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) to qualify for student loans at Colorado State University Global.
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