California Institute of Technology


Computer Science Degrees Offered at California Institute of Technology

California Institute of Technology appears in our ranking of the Top 50 Bachelor’s in Computer Science Degree Programs.

At the California Institute of Technology, degrees and programs are referred to as “options.” With 28 diverse undergraduate options and 24 different majors, CalTech is divided into 11 fields of study. The six divisions at the undergraduate and graduate level are biology and biological engineering, chemistry & chemical engineering, engineering & applied science, geological and planetary sciences, physics, humanities & social sciences, astronomy, and mathematics. Studies in computer science are housed in the Department of Computing + Mathematical Sciences and include:

  • B.S. in Computer Science (available as a minor)
  • B.S. in Information and Data Sciences (available as a minor)
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science (available as a graduate subject minor)

The Department of Computing + Mathematical Sciences primarily teaches students how to comprehend computing language and information. Technology is prevalent in our society; interacting with devices that require an intricate breadth of engineered systems is necessary. Students who are enrolled in this program can expect to work as a team with fellow program participants who share a common goal of delving deeper into the scope of computer science and information through critical evaluation of research and communicating research findings through presentations.

About California Institute of Technology

California Institute of Technology is a leader in engineering and science. Located in Pasadena, California, CalTech is tucked away on 124 comfortable acres. CalTech Institute oversees JPL for NASA which sends probes into outer space to explore the solar system and further understand the shifts and changes occurring on Earth through quantification methods.

Previously regarded as Throop University, CalTech was first established in September of 1891 by Amos Throop. In the same year, Throop University welcomed 31 students and six faculty members. George Ellery Hale, an astronomer, eventually joined the small university group and became a member of Throop’s board of trustees in 1907. Hale began shaping the school into the renowned institution it is by integrating advanced maths, engineering and scientific research into the curriculum. In 1921, chemist Arthur A. Noyes and physicist Robert A. Milikan were onboard. Together, these gentlemen renamed Throop University to the California Institute of Technology.

California Institute of Technology boasts 38 Nobel Laureates, seven Crafoord Laureates, eight Kavli Prize recipients, 58 National Medal of Science recipients 13 National Medal of Technology and Innovation recipients, 46 National Academy of Engineering members, 73 National Academy of Sciences members and 106 American Academy of Arts and Sciences faculty fellows.

California Institute of Technology Accreditation Details

California Institute of Technology is accredited by WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). California Institute of Technology is part of an elite group of institutions that have undergone a recent accreditation process known as the Thematic Pathway for Reaffirmation (TPR) Review. To qualify for this, CalTech must adhere to fiscal responsibility requirements by maintaining its educational quality for students.

California Institute of Technology Application Requirements

CalTech is an extremely selective institution. First-year applicants can apply for admissions via the Common App or the Coalition App. Students can also apply via the QuestBridge National College Match to be considered for the honors program. A supplemental essay, found on the common app, is mandatory. Applicants can request a fee waiver if they are eligible, but all others must pay the required $75 application fee. SAT or ACT scores of 1520-1570 or 35-36 and an SAT Math Level 2 score of 800 is standard for CalTech applicants. Academic transcripts and teacher evaluations are required for consideration as well. First-year international students must submit TOEFL scores unless English is a native language or if students have spent two consecutive years attending a facility where English is the primary language. Transfer students much complete the CalTech Transfer Entrance Exam as well as math and physics exams crafted by CalTech professors for consideration. Submission of grades and professor recommendation letters will be used to further evaluate your performance and skills. At least one full year of an academic curriculum from a previous university or college is needed to be considered for transfer admission. Official transcripts and transfer report forms should be included. Transfer students must also pay the $75 application fee.

Caltech graduate admissions are notoriously competitive and admissions are granted to an elite number of students. Prospective students must submit official transcripts, a CV, a statement of purpose and three letters of recommendation. Subject and general GRE scores are welcome, although both are strongly recommended. Official and self-reported scores from ETS will be used to further evaluate the graduate’s application. Scores should be no older than two years. To submit a satisfactory application, students should preview the graduate application checklist as well as the supplemental forms and documents page to ensure all required pieces are complete and submitted. A nonrefundable application fee of $100 will be due at the time of application. Fee waivers are limited and will only be granted to eligible students. Waiver requests can be made within the online application form.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Full-time undergraduate tuition is $52,506. With the total cost of undergraduate attendance including fees, room & board, meals, supplies, and miscellaneous costs, undergraduate students can expect to pay $75,763 per academic year. Caltech Student Health Insurance Plan fees are not factored into this cost. While health insurance is not part of tuition costs, coverage is available for $2,726. All first-time students will be charged a $500 orientation fee. Graduate student tuition fluctuates because of the various options available for housing. Graduates who live on campus and reside in a four-bedroom apartment building can expect to pay a grand total of $77,967 with that price including room & board, utilities, supplies, miscellaneous expenses, transportation and tuition itself. For other housing and tuition combinations, visit the Graduate Student Expense budget page. Students seeking financial aid from CalTech can receive it in the form of grants and scholarships, work-study or via loan. Roughly 52% of first-year undergraduate students who applied for financial aid were awarded scholarships with an average reward amount of $39,288.

California Institute of Technology is home to many innovative and forward thinkers. If that is who you are, consider joining California Institute of Technology’s student body with a selection from the Department of Computing + Mathematical Sciences.

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