Learning Computer Science at Brigham Young University-Idaho
Brigham Young University Idaho appears in our ranking of the Top 5 Cheapest Bachelor’s in Web Design Degrees Online.
Computer science programs at Brigham Young University Idaho are taught as part of the school’s Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering Department. Brigham Young University-Idaho offers students a selection of undergraduate certificate and degree offerings, in both traditional and online formats. Shorter courses are designed to provide students who seek less expensive educational alternatives or want to get into the workforce more quickly.
Certificates in Computer Information Technology and Computer Support are 15-hour programs that students can take online. Brigham Young University-Idaho offers associate’s degrees on campus with concentrations in Computer Programming and Computer and Electrical Engineering. Online associate’s offerings are Computer Information Systems and Computer Programming. A bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems is also available online as is a bachelor’s degree in Computer Programming. The department offers three on-campus concentrations for bachelor’s degrees: Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering. The university offers a stackable online approach so that students can attain a certificate, associate’s and bachelor’s degrees in the same amount of time that it would take to earn a bachelor’s degree. This approach allows students to increase their skills and earn money while getting an education.
About Brigham Young University-Idaho
Brigham Young University-Idaho is a private school located in Rexburg, ID, run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The school was originally a junior college known as Ricks College and transitioned to a four-year university when it became part of Brigham Young University in 2001. The university’s mission statement indicates that the school offers a wholesome learning environment where learners can strengthen their faith commitment while also receiving a quality education that will prepare them for a variety of leadership roles.
Since its inception in 1888, the school, originally known as Bannock Stake Academy, has always been associated with the Church of Latter Day Saints. It was also known as Fremont State Academy before it became Ricks State College. Today, Brigham Young University-Idaho has become the largest institution of higher learning in the state of Idaho with more than 34,000 students taking courses online. The school also has 15,000 students who take courses online. One of the school’s unique features is its three-track system, which admits students during three times of the year instead of the standard fall and spring semesters. All students are required to adhere to the BYU honor code, which requires them to be academically honest, follow dress and grooming standards, abstain from extramarital sex as well as the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Most students also take a leave of absence from their studies to serve as missionaries.
Brigham Young University-Idaho Accreditation Details
The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) has continuously accredited BYU-Idaho since 1936 when the institution was called Ricks College. NWCCU is one of the regional organizations for accreditation recognized by the Council on Higher Education. The Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET, which is an organization that accredits institutions of higher learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines has provided accreditation of BYU-Idaho’s Computer Engineering Program since 2004. Accreditation from this organization is only applicable in the United States.
Brigham Young University-Idaho Application Requirements
Freshman applicants to BYU-Idaho must meet minimums in areas for admission to the on-campus traditional program. The school has a five-tiered application requirement that involves the following: essays, extracurricular activities, seminary work, academics, including an average minimum unweighted GPA of 3.5 on a scale of 4.0 and an average ACT score of 24 or SAT score of 1090. The fifth requirement involves endorsements from the applicant’s church.
Essay responses are expected to show the prospective students’ unique goals and attributes, while simultaneously telling the application committee more about themselves. Extracurricular involvement shows a willingness to participate. Admission is much more difficult if prospective students have not attended and graduated from an LD seminary program. Students who have not graduated should contact their seminary about makeup work or another suitable alternative.
In addition to the aforementioned academic and standardized test score requirements. BYU-Idaho will also accept homeschooled students who completed high school work through an accredited local institution. Any college work completed will be considered concurrent enrollment work.
For church requirements, LDS applicants must be members in good standing and must be endorsed by their bishop or branch president, stake president or mission president. Non-LDS members must be interviewed by an LDS bishop and agree to abide by LDS rules.
Online students have a different admissions process. They must successfully complete Pathway Connect, a low-cost online preparation program that helps students get ready or return to college or have completed 15 credit hours from another BYU or LDS church-approved institution and be in good standing at any previous educational institutions. They must also have maintained a minimal GPA and commit to the school’s honor code and maintain annual ecclesiastical endorsements.
Tuition and Financial Aid
Students who are LDS members pay $2,059 per semester for full-time attendance for both traditional and online learning. Part-time LDS students pay $172 per credit hour. Non-LDS students pay $4,118 per semester or $334 per credit hour for part-time students. Students who enter the online program through Pathway Connect continue to pay the same $71 per credit hour fee for their BYU-Idaho online education. The exception to this rule is if the student is not an LDS member as the previously mentioned non-member tuition rates will apply.
BYU-Idaho students must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) forms as well as school’s own grant/scholarship application by specified deadlines to be eligible for any scholarships or grants at the institution. Scholarships offered by the institution include:
- BYU-Idaho General Scholarship
- BYU-Idaho Academic Scholarship, based on a formula involving grade point average and ACT or SAT scores
- BYU-Idaho Internship Scholarship
- BYU-Idaho Scholarships Based on Nomination or Recommendation
- Last Semester Scholarship Proration
- BYU-Idaho Talent Scholarship, for students pursuing degrees in art, dance, journalism, theater or music
- BYU-Idaho Leadership Scholarship
The university also encourages students to pursue scholarships and grants from outside sources.
For more information on Brigham Young University-Idaho’s computer science degrees contact the school’s Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department.
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